At Fields’ Karate belt ranks are never given or bought, they are earned. And it is seldom that a karateka would fail their belt test because we do not allow anyone to test for their next belt until we are sure they are ready and will pass.
Part of being ready for a belt test is having the confidence to pass the test and this can be aided by knowing what will be on the test. So, we make every test sheet available for karateka to review, study, and use for preparation.
Karateka are wise to focus only on their next test, maybe to preview the one after that. Studying the brown and black belt test sheets when they are testing for a blue belt can become quite overwhelming.
Every test is a cumulative test, meaning karateka may be required to execute any and every technique you’ve been taught to date. On the test sheets, techniques newly learned for that test are highlighted.
Below are links to each test sheet, which you are encouraged to download and print.